티스토리 뷰

How do I embed an image from the web into a Trello card comment or description?

So far I have been successful embedding Youtube videos into Trello card comments; simply by including the URL in the comment Trello picks it up and renders an embedded Youtube thumbnail.

What I would like to do is the same thing, but with a simple PNG image. I don't want to upload the image as it is a Balsamiq mockup permalink which will get updated periodically, and I want the latest version to be displayed on the Trello card.

However, pasting the image URL into the Trello card has no effect.

Am I missing somthing?

Card comments use embed.ly to display content inline, so a link to a Twitter status or YouTube video will embed the status or video. Here is a full list of providers: http://embed.ly/providers. Trello only display services that offer SSL, though. And it won't work for any image URL, just those in the list of providers. If you upload images as attachments, it will show a preview in the activity feed.

I don't think you can do this in the comments, but you can do this in the Description using the Markdown style:

사진을 적당한 웹 공간에 올린다.

트렐로의 디스크립션이나 카드에서 다음 처럼 작성한다.

그러면 임베디드된 사진을 볼 수 있다.

![Alt text](http://url/image.png "Optional title")

For more info on the markdown syntax, 

check out: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#img